Business Bulletin No. 2/2018

This year’s second issue of Business Bulletin is dedicated to a topic that’s been widely discussed in the past months—personal data processing and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Find out about the Act on the Processing of Personal Data that is currently being prepared, amendments that are being discussed, as well as practical statements and recommendations of the Office for Personal Data Protection (“OPDP”) related to questions concerning the specific implications of GDPR on company operations and HR practice. We also introduce an interesting case law of the CJEU concerning the question of whether answers in a test can be considered as personal data. You will also read about the dissolution of the Register of Personal Data Processing, mandatory reporting of data protection officer information, the publishing of the draft list of data the processing of which does not falling under the impact assessment, answers to questions to which the consent of the employee for the processing of personal data by the employer is necessary, and what the current approach of the OPDP regarding fines for GDPR breaches is.

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