Amendment to the Labor Code – further details on posting employees

Simultaneously with the current amendment to the Labor Code, a transposition amendment to the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services took place. The changes will have an impact on the complexity of verifying the conditions under which the employees of the host company are remunerated, and may also result in an increase in the cost of posting an employee to another country. Nataša Randlová and David Smolař therefore summarize the essence of posting employees within the cross-border provision of services in the holiday double issue of Práce and Mzda magazine, pointing out the most fundamental changes that the new regulation will bring and clarifying some unclear points in legal regulations. Dušan Nitschneider from the Slovak office of Nitschneider & Partners summarizes the rules that Czech employers will have to follow when posting employees to Slovakia.

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