We know what whistleblowing is and will help you with implementing it in your company


On 20 June 2023, the Act No. 171/2023, the Whistleblower Protection Bill has been published in the Collection of Bills.

The Act will bring new obligations to employers who meet certain conditions, in particular to:

  • set up an internal notification system to receive notifications,
  • designate the appropriate person to deal with the notifications; and
  • ensure that the whistleblower is not subject to retaliation.


The law has come into force as of 1 August 2023. We will be happy to help you prepare for the new obligations:

  • We can advise you on setting up internal whistleblowing systems in relation to the new whistleblower protection legislation.
  • We can help you choose the right solution and implement it, or adapt your current reporting channels to comply with the legislation.
  • Of course, we will also provide you with follow-up services such as the preparation of internal regulations and other notification documentation or the necessary training for employees.

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